Archive for Mei 2015

       Di dalam kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari, suatu sistem dengan perencanaan yang sangat kompleks sangat dibutuhkan guna mempermudah di dalam membantu kehidupan manusia. Apalagi jika sistem tersebut bergerak dengan suatu kontrol yang terpadu, maka hal ini akan membawa dampak kepada manusia untuk bisa memikirkan dan membuat suatu bentuk kontrol yang sekiranya akan dapat membantu dengan efisien (Wikipedia, 2007).
            Salah satunya adalah sistem pengontrolan pada media tanam pot. Pot merupakan suatu media tanam yang berfungsi untuk membudidayakan tanaman. Jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan tergantung dari kebutuhan akan pengembangannya itu sendiri. Jika ditinjau dengan lebih seksama, maka pengembangan tanaman atau budidaya di media tanam pot tidaklah semudah yang kita bayangkan. Banyak faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi di dalam mengembangkan budidaya tanaman tersebut, misalnya faktor suhu, kelembaban, kebutuhan akan penyinaran atau intensitas cahaya yang digunakan, dan lain-lain.
            Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pada perkembangan tanaman yaitu penyiraman. Penyiraman merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dilepaskan di dalam menjaga serta merawat agar tanaman dapat tumbuh dengan subur. Kebutuhan air yang cukup merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting. Jika hal ini telah salah digunakan akan berdampak fatal bagi perkembangan tanaman itu sendiri (Agung Yuswanto, 2009)

           Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu merancang prototype “SmartPot sebagai Inovasi Media Tanam Pot dengan Penyiraman Otomatis”. Prototype ini merupakan media tanam pot yang dirancang dengan teknik penyiraman dengan suatu rangkaian sistem kontrol yang terpadu dan bekerja secara otomatis dalam satu media tanam pot.

langkah-langkah dalam pembuatan.

Pertama konsepkan dulu masalah yang ingin dihadapi, seperti saya malas menyiram tanaman secara rutin terus saya ingin mengetahui kondisi lingkungan tanaman saya dll.

klo sudah Next kita desain alatnya sesuai dengan pemasalahan yang dihadapi... Gini nih desain alat saya *jeng.. jengg.... 

Human Energy

Posted by Unknown
Humans need energy, we always have and always will but how we used energy it’s now critical for us to survival. It all began with fire, today it’s mostly fossil fuels. Now, we are clossing on 7 billion of us. On the planet populations has had it for 10 billion. Our cities and civilizations depend on massive of the energy. Fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas provide almost 80% of the energy use world wide. Nuclear it’s a little less in 5%, hydro power a little under 6% and the other renewable solar, wind and geothermal about 1%, but growing fast. Wood and dung make up the rest. Using energy is helping many others would better then ever before. Yet, well over a billion and half of lagging behind. Without access to electricity and  clean fuels.

In recent years, brazillia brougth the electricity in 10 billion, but in rural siara some still live of the grid. No elecrtricity, No running water and No refrigerator to keep food save. Life essential  come from their own hard labour. Education is compossely but study is a challange when evening arrive. The only light is carving light. Theye are smoky and dangerous.

More than half of china 1.3 billion citizen living in country side. Many rural residents still used a wood or coal for cook and heating of the most china already on the grid. China has used the energy the fuel  for development that is  brougth more than half billion of property. In village home there are flat screen TV and air conditioner. By 2030 is projected 350 million chineses more than populations of the entire United State would move country side the cities, a trend that eco world wide. Development in asia, africa, and south america would mean 3 billion people would start using more and more energy as they escape the proverty. Supposed we met  the familiar with old fashion hundred watt light bulb bar unit for compararing energy is. If you are off the grid you share your nation energy would be just a few hundred watts a few light bulbs. Southern American ever about 13 bulbs. For fast developing china is more like 22 bulbs. Europe and rusia 5000 watts, 50 bulbs and North American over then 10.000 watts more than 100 bulbs. Now let’s replace those light bulbs with actual numbers, population have shown cross the bottom and energy used is display vertically. Off the grid to the left North America to the right. If everone everywhere start using energy like North american do.  The world’s energy consumption with more than quite drupal and using fossil fuel is clearly unsustainsiable. No doubt about it. Coal, gas, oil have brought a huge benefit but we wer burning through aproximally a million times faster than nature save them for us. And they will run out. What’s even worst the carbon dioxide from that energy system threatened change the planet in ways they make our life much harder. So, why our fossil fuels such power full but ultimately promblematic solar of energy .
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